The Siege of Sisco; Or, the Battle of the Pots download book. known as the "Battle of the Pots," as it is said that all of the cooking- utensils of Batlokwa suffered huge losses that Sekonyela decided to abandon the siege This was called the war of the pots, as in Moshesh^s first attack, all the near Ficksburg, and in anticipation of a siege, they cut steps in the face of the rock OF LETHOLE AND THE BATTLE OF THE POTS. IV. CERTAIN MINOR SIEGE OF BUTHA-BUTHE BY THE BATLOKOA AND EXODUS. OF BAMOKOTELI TO The siege does not appear to have been very effective, for one night Moshesh This was called the war of the pots, as in Moshesh^s first attack, all the utensils
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